Macaroni Dian
Macaroni Dian terbuat dari kualitas tepung berkualitas tinggi, sehingga menghasilkan hasil gorengan yang mekar sedang / medium , kaya rasa, tahan lama, dan mudah di kombinasi dengan berbagai macam bumbu (bumbu tabur atau bumbu coating). Biasa digoreng dengan memberi rasa pedas, pedas balado, pedas manis, coklat, strawberry, pandan, asin, lotes, dan berbagai variasi rasa lainnya.100 gram (200 mL) pellet = 140 gram (1400 mL) makaroni goreng
Macaroni Dian is made from high quality ingredients. The snack has tasty characteristic, medium expansion size, and easy to be combined with different type of flavorings (powder or coating type flavorings) . The shelf life of the snack is also longer than any other brands available. Best suited with spicy, sweet and spicy, balado, chocolate, strawberry, pandan, salty, lotes, and many other flavors.100 gram (200 mL) pellet = 140 gram (1400 mL) fried macaroni